Meanings of Gemstones

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This list includes the Gemstones available with Padma Padam.


Amazonite is thought to have tremendous healing abilities.
It is said to balance masculine and feminine energy, and strengthen physical power and stamina, enhances communication concerning love in one's life. Amazonite stimulates artistic ability and creativity.


Amethyst brings calm, balance, and inner strength. It enhances intuition and is excellent for meditation. Take Amethyst when travelling for protection.


Apatite increases intuition and deepens the state of meditation. In tune with the mind. It's a stone for motivation that helps improve energy and enthusiasm to see a task through to completion.  It encourages openness in social situations, and raises self esteem. Apatite stimulates the mind, dispels doubt and confusion and encourages creativity.  For those who work too hard or feel emotionally drained it gives revitalisation. Blue apatite is a stone for spiritual guidance.  It enhances communication particularly when speaking in public.


Legend says Aquamarines were the prized possessions of mermaids, protecting sailors from the dangers of sea. This healing crystal works to cleanse and clear emotions, calming anxiety and bringing inner peace, helping difficult emotions such as grief or loneliness. Restore balance and tranquility with Aquamarine. Helps to establish happy marriages and relationships. 


When used for its healing properties Azurite benefits the mind and mental processes.  It can relieve stress, fears, phobias, and enhance memory function.

Black Onyx

Black Onyx assists with challenges in life, and gives protection from negative energies. It is grounding, and strengthening, balancing on all levels. 

Blue Topaz

Blue Topaz improves clarity, focus, increases confidence. gives strength.  Good for insomnia, worry, fear, depression and exhaustion Attracts abundance & love; relieves tension.


Citrine balances and energizes, promotes optimism. Enhances personal power. It also attracts abundance, to acquire wealth, and ability to maintain it. Citrine clears negative energy, eliminates fears, relieves depression, clears self-destructive tendencies, bringing self-confidence, protection, and stability. Citrine is a joyful stone with bright energy, bringing good fortune and luck, though these may appear in unexpected ways.

Crystal Quartz

Quartz is a power stone, a Master Healer stone. It is the most powerful overall crystal healing stone. Quartz is also a stone of harmony because it balances energies, and is even helpful in romantic relationships. Quartz is also good for energizing other crystals. Quartz Crystal generates huge amounts of crystal power, enhancing energy by absorbing, storing, amplifying, balancing, and transmitting. Because it directs and amplifies energy, it is extremely beneficial for manifesting, healing, meditation, protection. It is said to draw out pain, and strengthens all body systems.


Emeralds are a symbol of hope, and success in love and relationships. In many cultures, Emeralds has the power of tranquilty, peace, renewal and growth. It represents abundance, balance, intelligence. 


Fluorite calms and relieves anxiety, and stress. It can help get rid of mental blocks, remove confusion to create order and harmony in life. Eases fear, anger and depression, wearing fluorite jewellery neutralizes negative energy.                


Garnet encourages romance, love and passion. It helps with grounding, strengthening and connecting to the present moment. Garnet has often been used to lift depression, giving a new sense of abundance and vitality.

Green Argonite

Argonite offers a sense of well-being, inviting abundance prosperity and peace into your life, dispelling depression and mood swings. Calming and soothing, Green Argonite is healing for grief, or emotional pain, and brings peace.

Green Jade

Jade possesses health-strengthening properties and encourages longevity. Jade  absorbs negative energy, giving protection.


Herkimer Diamond gives protection, renewal, and promotes clarity of mind. It is healing, helping with sustaining, and motivating, boosting energy-supply and perseverance. Gives loyalty, and strength.


Kyanite calms and balances the nervous system and gives mental clarity. It is a grounding stone giving energy, and motivation to achieve your goals. It helps you to gain new perspectives, and overcome problems. Brings joy.


Labradorite has beautiful, pearly hues of iridescent blues and greens. It is a magical stone that possesses powerful protective properties, bringing light to the unknown, providing insight and wisdom. Labradorite helps you tap into a higher state of consciousness.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis lazuli is an ancient stone representing friendship and truth, and helps bring about harmony in relationships. It is a stone of wisdom and awareness.


Larimar is a beautiful serene gemstone that gives calmness and enhances communication on all levels. It is connected to the element of water, and is helpful in communicating emotions, and healing emotional patterns, and destructive behaviours. Larimar is deeply relaxing, releasing your inner beauty, and attracting blessings into your life.


Moonstone increases intuition, connection with the moon and the feminine aspect of the emotional nature. Helps calm and balance emotions, helps against anxiety and stress. Moonstone is a magical stone with powerful protective properties, "bringing light" to the unknown, and providing insight, promoting positivity and calming overactive minds, bringing peace to its wearer.


Black Obsidian is a very powerful and creative stone.  It increases  self-control. Releases imbalances and negative energies. Black Obsidian is protective and provides support during change.  It repels negativity and disperses unloving thoughts.

Orange Calcite

Orange Calcite is highly energizing, cleansing your environment of negative energies. It is known as the stone of creativity, and is helpful for balancing emotions and releasing fear and anxiety. Brings joy and happiness.


The beauty of pearls has been revered for centuries. They are the bringers of light, beauty and love, attuning the wearer to the ebb and flow of life, and are associated with the planet Moon.  Pearls help one connect with the Goddess, the ultimate feminine energy, and bring love energy. Pearls are calming and centering. 


Peridot is strengthening, and re-vitalising, healing for relationship difficulties, protects against negativity, and promoting peace and happiness Peridot is believed to have protective powers. Many people wear peridot as it is thought to strengthen life and to attract wealth, growth, and abundance.


Rhodonite is a calming stone, helping with inner growth, emotional balance, confidence and self-love. Can help with emotional pain. Healing for trauma.

Rose Quartz   

Rose quartz is called the Love Stone, the heart stone. It is a soothing, calming crystal promoting love and healing. It helps clear negative emotions, and is used to raise self-esteem. Rose quartz is for all types of love: self-love, family, platonic, romantic. Rose quartz is often used to attract love.


Ruby is a powerful stone, to shield against negative energy, protector from misfortune, strengthening, gives courage and joy. Used for overcoming exhaustion and lethargy, Ruby amplifies energy and vitality to the whole system. Good for relationship, encouraging closeness and commitment, passion and love.


Sapphire symbolizes wisdom and helps with communication. Sapphires promote peace, contentment and calmness. It eliminates negative thoughts, and stimulates thoughts of beauty and peace, promoting inspiration and a positive attitude towards life.


Sodalite is said to be a stone of peace and harmony, bringing equilibrium, and balance. It balances the mind, body and spirit. Good for meditation, Sodalite gives intuitive insights, wisdom, and clarity. Royal blue sodalite brings self acceptance, and self-trust.


Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz brings endurance, calmness and positive thoughts. Very protective and grounding stone, bringing prosperity, good luck, and wisdom. 


Turquoise is a powerful stone for relieving stress, grounding and providing protection. A tranquility stone.  Dispels negative energy, strengthens the body, brings peace of mind, calms communication, attracts love. It is one of the oldest gemstones known to man, and is considered sacred by many cultures.               


Unakite Stone is extremely powerful for healing emotions that contribute to physical symptoms in the body. Unakite is considered to be very helpful for pregnancy and childbirth, also recommended for pregnant women to help foster a connection between the baby and the mother. It allows us to address the negative emotions we’re holding onto and transform ourselves from a place of love. 

Yellow Calcite

Yellow Calcite is an uplifting stone, giving strength and vitality, bringing revitalization into your life. Helpful for enhancing self-esteem, clearing negative energies, bringing faith during challenges, healing sorrow and grief. Yellow Calcite brings luck and prosperity, attracting abundance into your life.